Greetings, Special Agent.
Excellent work on locating the residence of Hendrik Schneider. We’ve been in contact with local authorities and acquired a permission to wiretap the residency. Over the past several days we’ve had agents stationed around the area to observe all movements. Several methods of intercepting communication were installed around the residence as well. Including a tap on the internet connection. Given the vast amounts of data we’ve recovered, all of this will need to be distributed among several teams for further analysis.
It has come to our attention that the Ahemait have a yearly conference. This event is always covered by some form of shell company or organization. Nothing is known of the location or time this event takes place. We hope though, that some of the intercepted data will give us more information about this event. We’ve taken a part of the internet wiretap and assigned it to you. Please find out if it contains anything useful for finding the time and place for this conference.
As always, Special Agent, the contract is yours, if you choose to accept.
Answer Instruction
Use the answer to unlock the flagfile, this will reward you with your badge.
Answer format: hotelname-city-dd-mm-yyyy-hhmm
Answer sample: avari-hotel-karachi-15-03-2023-0900
Be advised, the flagfile is an encrypted ZIP. Make sure your OS supports the ZIP format. Ensure the password contains no hidden characters or formatting, paste in Notepad first if the password doesn’t seem to work.
Creator(s): Frank Diepmaat