Valentines Day Tragedy


Greetings, Special Agent.

We have received a distress call from Thalia one of our Analysts, who has been the victim of a criminal syndicate known as “The High Guard.” Thalia was given a note by the kidnappers, but it is encoded with a complex algorithm that we have been unable to crack. We need your help in decoding the contents of this note in order to gain valuable information about the whereabouts of Thalia’s lover and the inner workings of The High Guard. Your expertise in cryptography and code-breaking is essential to this mission. We believe that the encoded note contains key details about the location of the kidnappers and the safe return of Thalia’s lover.

As always, Special Agent, the contract is yours, if you choose to accept.


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Answer Instruction

Use the answer to unlock the flagfile, this will reward you with your badge.

Answer format: Streetname-City

Answer sample: Rue-de-Linda-Salvador


Be advised, the flagfile is an encrypted ZIP. Make sure your OS supports the ZIP format. Ensure the password contains no hidden characters or formatting, paste in Notepad first if the password doesn’t seem to work.

Download Flagfile here

PS: Don’t forget to claim your Coins and XP, by posting your card in the #card-brag channel in Discord.

Official Write-up

Provided here is the official write-up, it does contain the answer. Use this if you’re stuck, or want to verify if you got the answer correct.

Valentines Day Tragedy

Valentines Day Tragedy is a contract (CTF challenge) on the Hacktoria platform. The objective is to help Thalia, an analyst from the Tiberian Order, decode an encrypted message from a criminal syndicate called “The High Guard” to locate and rescue her kidnapped lover.


Step 1: Decode the Encoded Message

  • Use a cipher identifier tool like dcode to determine the cipher type of the encoded text
  • The tool identifies the cipher as ROT8000
  • Decode the message using a ROT8000 decoder

Step 2: Interact with TheHighGuard_Bot on Telegram

  • Search for the Telegram bot “TheHighGuard_Bot”
  • Start a chat with the bot using the /start command
  • The bot provides two additional commands: /secret and /location
  • Enter the decoded secret phrase “For Your Eyes Only” using the /secret command
  • The bot replies with an image (Material 2)

Step 3: Determine the Image Location

  • The instructions under the image state the location is between Laon, France and Reims, France
  • Reverse image search to find clues about the location
  • The image shows wood pallets, equipment, and a warehouse, indicating a sawmill or wood industry facility
  • Search for sawmills between Laon and Reims

Step 4: Translate and Search for Sawmills

  • Translate “sawmill” to French, which is “scierie”
  • Use Google Maps to search “Scierie near Laon and Reims”
  • Focus on the three sawmills located directly between the two cities
  • After exploring the sawmills, identify the exact match as Scierie Huberlant
  • Enter “Scierie Huberlant” using the bot’s /location command
  • The bot provides information related to a mobile network cell tower

Step 5: Find the Cell Tower Location

  • The provided cell tower information includes:
  • MCC (Mobile Country Code): 208
  • MNC (Mobile Network Code): 10
  • LAC (Location Area Code): 12102
  • CID (Cell ID): 9448453
  • Use to search for the cell tower location based on the provided details
  • Click on the tower symbols on the map to view each tower’s information
  • Identify the tower matching the exact MCC, MNC, LAC, and CID values
  • The matching tower is located on Rue de Picardie street in Paris

Step 6: Unlock the Flag File

  • Use “Rue-de-Picardie-Paris” as the password to unlock the flag file
  • The flag is revealed, completing the contract


This write-up provides a detailed walkthrough of the Valentines Day Tragedy contract on Hacktoria. By following the steps outlined above, players can decode the encrypted message, interact with the Telegram bot, locate the sawmill, find the cell tower, and ultimately unlock the flag file to complete the challenge.

Creator(s): Vance Poitier