The Midnight Slayer


Greetings, Special Agent.

There has been a recent uptick in violent killings in Baltimore. While death is nothing new to this city, they suspect a serial killer might be at work. Victims are mostly killed during night time and let horribly disfigured. Eyes, fingers, teeth and other identifiable body parts are removed.

First inclination was gang violence. This was however dismissed by information from officers on the ground. Informants and corner dealers did not have any information about ongoing wars or retaliations. After receiving clues from the killer, all doubts of gang violence were dismissed. Unfortunately, some of the information leaked to the press. This has made citizens fearful, with the first signs of panic erupting in the streets. Some stores were looted and additional murders have been committed out of supposed self defense.

Citizens of Baltimore have given the nickname “The Midnight Slayer” to the killer. Named after the newspaper headline that started the unrest. The Baltimore City Police Department reached out to the Tiberian Order for additional support in this investigation. Their limited capabilities and already high murder rate have left them at a loss. They also want outside help to prevent any possibility of corruption. It’s your task to find out who the killer is and find their whereabouts.

As always, Special Agent, the contract is yours, if you choose to accept.


There’s quite a lot to work with here Special Agent. Besides murder statistics, you have locations sent by the killer, a quote from the killer, a riddle file and the current missing persons report from the Baltimore Police Department.

Murders Baltimore 2024

We’re not sure if the existing murders are related to any of the Midnight Slayers’ work, we do have reason to believe some of these might be attributed. Many of these were committed at night and seem to match the MO of our killer. Check the attached spreadsheet.

Pictures Received

The killer is playing games with investigators. Due to staffing issues and low clearance rate, we suspect the killer is getting impatient and wants credit for their work. The pictures below arrived at the Baltimore Police Department with the following note:

From the sound of angels we fear, not for the pleasure of heaven, but the salvation of all earthly pains. In our last moments, we find solace in those who went before us. It’s the lines that mark where our lives were crossed.

Download the Riddle

Download the Missing Persons Report

Download the Baltimore Murder Statistics

location body 1
location body 2
location body 3
location body 4

Answer Instruction

Use the answer to unlock the flagfile, this will reward you with your badge.

Use the what3words location of the killer’s address to answer the CTF.


Be advised, the flagfile is an encrypted ZIP. Make sure your OS supports the ZIP format. Ensure the password contains no hidden characters or formatting, paste in Notepad first if the password doesn’t seem to work.

Download Flagfile here

PS: Don’t forget to claim your Coins and XP, by posting your card in the #card-brag channel in Discord.

Official Write-up

Provided here is the official write-up, it does contain the answer. Use this if you’re stuck, or want to verify if you got the answer correct.

The Midnight Slayer

The Midnight Slayer is a contract (CTF challenge) on the Hacktoria platform. The objective is to assist the Baltimore City Police Department in identifying a serial killer known as “The Midnight Slayer” who has been terrorizing the city. The killer has left clues that need to be deciphered to uncover their identity and whereabouts.


Step 1: Locate the Four Bodies

  • Body location 1: 4038 6th St, Baltimore, MD
  • Body location 2: 308 N Pulaski St, Baltimore, MD
  • Body location 3: 626 N Grantley St, Baltimore, MD
  • Body location 4: 2217 Gable Ave, Baltimore, MD 21230, USA

Step 2: Mark the Locations on a Map and Find the What3Words Location

  • Plot the four body locations on a map of Baltimore
  • Draw an “X” connecting the four points
  • The center of the “X” is located at the Carroll Park Golf Course
  • Use a What3Words lookup tool to find the exact location: ///belts.chips.mental

Step 3: Use the What3Words Location as a Password

  • The What3Words location “belts.chips.mental” serves as the password to open a riddle file

Step 4: Solve the Riddle

  • The riddle file contains the following text: “Wise eyes of the hunt, keep watch. Rodents you are, your time will come.”
  • The riddle hints at an owl, which can be found outside the killer’s address

Step 5: Identify the Killer’s Location

  • The killer’s address is associated with an owl statue or image
  • The What3Words location for the killer’s address is:

Step 6: Open the Flag File

  • Use the killer’s What3Words location “” as the password to open the flag file
  • Successfully opening the flag file marks the completion of the contract


This write-up outlines the steps required to solve The Midnight Slayer contract on Hacktoria. By following the clues left by the killer, plotting locations on a map, solving a riddle, and identifying the killer’s address, players can open the flag file and successfully complete the challenge.

Creator(s): Frank Diepmaat