Greetings, Special Agent.
I assume you remember our previous encounters with the Krohndahkyr? They had some shenanigans on planet earth during “Intergalactic Warfare”. Well, they are back apparently.
Our friends in Area 51 reported Krohndahkyr spaceships landing in the Amazon rain forest yesterday morning. As we know, their once peaceful intentions turned sour after meeting early humans settlers many years ago. They have been recorded through early history to have collaborated with humans on certain projects. Sometimes getting in the way of Klumgongyn and his species.
This time however, they are back with ill intentions. The ships were identifies as Space Marine landing craft, not research ships like we usually see. Unfortunately, the US Spaceforce isn’t up for combat tasks yet. At least not of this kind.
Luckily the government of Brazil has found their marines more than willing to take on some aliens in their backyard. General Rodriguez mentioned “If it bleeds, we can kill it”. I can’t help but wonder why that phrase sounds familiar.
Anyway, your task today is to translate this ancient text we’ve found near an old cemetery in Sardinia Italy. We believe it to be a gift of great significance they once tried to give the humans they encountered. It’s our hope that translating these texts provides insight as to “why” the relationship with humans turned sour.
As always, Special Agent, the Contract is yours, if you choose to accept
Answer Instruction
Use the answer to unlock the flagfile, this will reward you with your badge.
Answer instruction for flag, using the full name in original wording:
Sample answer:
Be advised, the flagfile is an encrypted ZIP. Make sure your OS supports the ZIP format. Ensure the password contains no hidden characters or formatting, paste in Notepad first if the password doesn’t seem to work.
Creator(s): Frank Diepmaat