Back to our roots

Looking back on the past three years, I see a lot of changes and interesting things we’ve tried. Building our community, making a shitload of different CTF’s and even venturing into business.

All of this got me thinking a while ago, what is it that I truly want out of Hacktoria? Is it to build the next HTB? Maybe turn it into some consulting agency?

The answer is neither of these.

Hacktoria was the most fun when we were just building wacky CTF events with interesting stories. Coming up with characters, entire languages and just having a good time. A place to combine everything I’ve learned from my career in the army, the private IT sector and also my time operating Zombie Guide Magazine and Undead Press.

Yes, before Hacktoria I ran an online zombie magazine for eight years and then an indie-horror publication platform for a year.

At the onset of 2023, that was exactly what Hacktoria was supposed to embody and become. A combination of fiction, blended with real life. Telling stories while using tech and OSINT skills. Over the past few years, we’ve deviated quite a lot from that.

So, what’s next for 2025?

We’re going exactly where this should have gone in the first place. Story driven OSINT CTF, but with a horror theme. Keeping the humorous atmosphere alive of course, blending somewhat into dark comedy.

Fusing together storytelling, OSINT and horror comedy.

The branding got an overhaul to stick with this new theme, I hope you like it. Our team remains the same, just us three weirdos. And of course the awesome folks helping out in Discord.

Anyway, have fun in January with Operation Phoenix.

— Frank

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